"No...I'm Beginning to Like This Picture"
15 September 2003
That is exactly what I said when someone suggested that we turn this masterpiece off. It is also a line from this movie, featuring the most hilarious killer in the history of slasher movies. Ricky is an enormous bad-a** with big muscles and even bigger nostrils. He's got a certain swagger about him that makes him easy to root for and to laugh at. His delivery is so side-splitting that it alone is worth seeing. Although most of this movie is just a cut and paste effort from Part 1, Ricky and his lines are unforgettable. There are also some interesting death scenes that should have splatter fans rolling in their seats. Some of the deaths involve a battery cable, an umbrella, and a pistol. What's so funny about a pistol you say? Well, on "Garbage Day!" Ricky takes out the trash with a cop's pistol and a whole lot of angry nostrils. However, if you are looking to be scared, this one is about as scary as The Ice Cream Man (even though Clint Howard is quite creepy looking, even without makeup). But if you are in the mood to laugh your rear-end off at things that I don't think were intended to be funny, you will definitely enjoy this picture. "Shhh, Naughty."
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