Alice (1988)
"creepy tedium", said the girl
2 November 2003
I really wanted to enjoy this movie much more than I did. First, I rented this movie along with Faust and Little Otik. I watched this one first as it was the earliest of the 3.

I enjoy foreign films, and art films, and stop motion animation and puppetry and this movie is all of these things, however, i can't help but wonder why on earth this was dubbed. I can read subtitles and would have enjoyed hearing if the young actress that plays Alice was as monotonous of voice as her British voice-over. even if I overlooked the poor dub why on earth was the foley also dubbed? all sound effects from breaking dishes to footsteps to creaking puppet arms etc, was on this dubbed sound track, making for a too loud and cloying sound experience. I like the idea that you immediately "get" that Alice is making up this story from her imagination as she goes along. hence the "said the white rabbit" but to have her repeat this narration voice over in monotone over and over and over again made the experience needlessly painful.

like the mad hatter scene, the puppetry was excellent and the animation was great, but to hear each line of dialog followed with a close up shot of Alice's mouth

speaking who said what was too much of a diversion and took me out of the story. I just kept saying to myself: ok ok we get it, enough all ready. Just let the freakin puppets talk!

Good things about this movie: the animation was fantastic. also the use of things, that would presumably be in a child's room, as the characters props was great. eg: socks as caterpillars, a doll house and tea set. it made it very reasonable that a child's imagination would fathom such things.the scene with the door-mouse making camp, was enchanting.

I just wish I could say I liked it more. I liked Faust better than Alice, and I like Little Otik better than Faust and Alice.

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