Time Trackers (1989)
Will Shriner + Scifi = unintentional fun
9 October 1999
For anyone looking for some unintentional humor, this movie would not be a bad choice. The premise itself is pretty interesting: in the future, scientists are battling for control of the planet and one of them goes into the past to kill off his rivals. It could have benefitted from a better script and a bigger budget. The sets were very fake-looking and the costumes looked like something out of a high shcool production. One of the funnier moments actually comes when Shriner goes to open a door and almost knocks it down. The design team also apparently had some trouble finding up-to-date cars for the present-day New York sequence. The whole production had a 1980s air about it, typified by the brightly-colored tie-dyes that the cast dons at one point. The movie is actually a lot funnier in hindsight. Back when I saw it, I was disappointed and embarrassed for the filmmakers. Knowing who Roger Corman is actually makes me smile when I think of it.
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