Great Cast,Great Story
24 November 2002
A great film based on DEA agent, Enrique"Kiki" Camerena of Calexico California. Acclaimed director, Michael Mann of "Miami Vice", "Heat" and "The Insider" was Executive Producer of this 1991 Mini-series directed by Brian Gibson. It was the second most watched NBC mini-series of the year following "The Kennedys". Filmed on location in Spain, "Drug Wars" is a powerhouse film depicting the role of the DEA in Mexico in 1985 that led to the unveiling of drug corruption within the Mexican government. At the head of the investigation was agent Camerena, played by Steven Bauer along with Jaime Kurkendall,portrayed by Craig T. Nelson (wonderful performance by the way). Miguel Ferrer,Tony Plana, Elizabeth Pena and then 24 year old, Benicio Del Torro also star. A tight cast portray the investigation into the kidnapping, torture and cover up of Kiki Camarena. Based on Elaine Shannon's book and "Time" magazine article, "Desperados". This is a great film. The precursor to "Traffic".Great Film. I wish NBC would sell this film!
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