Review of Brain Dead

Brain Dead (1990)
Underrated nightmare
19 October 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Some people thought this movie was too confusing but isn't that just like a nightmare? The first half of the movie is coherent but then Pullman's descent into madness begins. You keep guessing what scenes are real (ie, consistent with the first half) and which are wild dreams. Don't hurt your brain too much trying to make sense of it. IMHO you can actually piece together a valid storyline after its over, but it would be a spoiler for me to comment on it. Anyway it nice to have a million cable channels so obscure movies like this can be seen. BTW the movie has some entertaining acting, creepy brain operations, a hot sex scene, imaginative dream sequences, and twilight-zone-like ending scene. I gave it a 6 exposed brains out of a maximum 10 exposed brains rating.
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