Who says you can't teach a Terminator to be good?
17 March 2002
Arnold Schwarzenegger returns to the big screen in the role he made famous; the tough, logical thinking and dedicated Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 (Terminator). He has gone through some extensive re-programming (thanks to his capture by the older John Connor of the "future" and is now serving as little John's protector in his "past". This was a necessary move as now there is a new enemy to deal with; the Cyberdyne Systems Model T1000 (expertly played by Robert Patrick). This newer model is made of a special "liquid metal", is able to morph itself into any object of similar size and is VERY difficult to destroy or disable. Don't worry fans; Arnold is up to the task of dealing with this new enemy. He has more combat experience and better tactical skills. These two fight battle after battle throughout the film giving us some really fantastic stunts and GREAT special effects. Linda Hamilton gives an excellent performance as John's mother, Sarah Connor. Eddie Furlong also did a very good job of playing younger John Connor. This is another FANTASTIC movie that HAS to be added to our collections of action films! (and look out for Ah-nold to "be back" in T3!)
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