Bob Roberts (1992)
Hollywood Bashes The Right Again. Yawn!
7 April 2004
Tim Robbins plays a right-wing singing political con-man and extortionist. Sure, perhaps Eddie Murphy can play Ann Coulter in his next movie. Since solid conservative political philosophies are inevitably treated in Hollywood as racist, corrupt, stupid, extortionary, unfair, and indefensible -- surely you wouldn't expect a movie directed by its star, Tim Robbins, to be any different. The best part of the movie are the two scenes that are basically stolen right out of "A Face In The Crowd." Left to his own devices, Robbins attempts at Schulberg like satire have all the subtlety of a lug-wrench. If you love Tim Robbins and hate the Establishment, this movie will give you all the validation you want. Otherwise, stay away from this self-serving vanity production. 2/10.
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