Jack the Bear (1993)
A low-key gem, good performances - great editing
27 December 2001
I do start off with a bias - I like Danny DeVito. Not in the much announced movies like Twins, but in those that really give hime elbow room - and those that have him behind the camera. Ruthless People, War of the Roses, Madeline. And that's what happens in Jack the Bear. It's a low-key film with warm camera work that isn't afraid of shots that linger on the actors, letting their expressions speak rather than filling the space with words. I didn't go out of my way to see this movie - caught it by accident when it was on cable, but it's the best thing I've seen during my Christmas break. The more dramatic moments may a bit unreal, the characters may not be developed as much as some would like - but overall, a little gem.
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