A Twist of the Knife (1993 TV Movie)
Shown At The Wrong Time Of Day
9 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I do worry about schedulers at the BBC sometimes because this opens with someone getting stabbed with a massive big knife

And it was broadcast at 1.30 in the afternoon !

The plot follows the crimes committed by a looney heart surgeon who wants to bump off her patients via blood poisoning . Pretty heavy stuff for a TVM especially one shown at dinnertime on a good Friday . I only hope any children watching this aren`t going into hospital in the near future , and being a TVM we have to put up homely banter like " I always thought you had taste - If I had taste I wouldn`t drink your coffee " . Has anyone on the planet actually had a conversation like the one above ? I didn`t think so

I`ve got to contradict what the previous reviewer has said , in TWIST OF THE KNIFE it`s obvious from the start who the murderer is though her motives are not and this being the pilot of DIAGNOSIS MURDER ( I think ) we`re also treated to a tedious plot line of Dr Dick Van Dyke solving the murder mystery . Oh and the murderer is also painted as a victim too , yeah I guess being a white professional female she would be

DIAGNOSIS MURDER fans might enjoy this but I`m more of a QUINCY man myself
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