Review of Gargoyles

Gargoyles (1994–1997)
24 February 1999
Having lived in the New York metropolitan area my entire life, Gargoyles was even more fun to watch since many of the landmarkings were places I've hung out at) The animation in itself is mindblowing. The sights and sounds of the show are true to life of Manhattan, even if you've never been there, it makes you feel like you're there.

The storylines were great. Mythology, elves, sorcery, and modern day New York, London, Japan, and Scotland (and even gay Paris!) come together to form a wonderful series that would have made Walt Disney proud. While many former Disney creations had very obvious morals (and quite a few "And they lived happily ever afters ..."), Gargoyles is the first to show a distinctiveness I've never seen, from Disney or otherwise. The emotions are real, the stories realistic (as far as you can see realistic about elves, anyway), and storylines reappear again and again. The animation and the gargoyles draw the kiddies, while the history, mythology, and more mature storylines will definitely keep the adults glued to the TV.

The show gives lessons on gun control, dealing with blindness, death, family, love, and life, without the artificial and often unrealistic way of going about it (examples including Cinderella, Barney, and lots of other shows and movies I can mention). It's not just for kids. Disney has done for Gargoyles what Warner Bros. did for the Batman Animated Series. I could watch this show with my grandmother (who doesn't like ANYTHING made after 1960) and she enjoyed it thoroughly and is now a die-hard fan. Watch it with your kids.

Sad to see the show having been canceled though. Maybe if enough people email Disney or write letters, it can be brought back. If you have the time, write an email to Disney and tell how much you love the show. Gargoyles live.
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