Cyber Tracker (1994)
"You are to be executed!"
31 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I admit that I have a bit of a liking for B-Movies. Sure I like good ones like Spielberg and that as well, but I love a good no-brainer at times. And CYBERTRACKER certainly falls into that category.

I can see how this film could be considered a TERMINATOR rip-off. Hell, the Core Trackers even have an Arnie dress sense (black leather biker jacket.). But the story is very entertaining, and the action pretty good. It's pretty obvious that Don Wilson and Richard Norton are going to have a showdown, because they're both martial artists. As for their performances: well Wilson (who reminds me of a bulked-up Lou Diamond Phillips) is okay, as is Norton. Jim Maniaci, who plays all the identical Core Trackers, is pretty menacing too.

But a problem is, some of the characters are not too well-developed. Case in point: Joseph Ruskin's character Rounds, head of Cybercare, is meant to be the main villain, but he just comes across as a typical BUH-HAH-HAH villain. Also Steve Burton as Jared has little room to develop here. SPOILER WARNING: I haven't seen all of CYBERTRACKER 2 yet, but Jared turns up in it, despite having been apparently killed in this movie, and NO explanation is given for his survival.

That said, the performances are all generally good, but they're the kind you might expect from a B-Movie. Also, like a typical action movie, it seems that the bad guys only miss when they shoot at the hero, which can be a bit ridiculous.

I love the two little twists at the end of the movie (what Operation Echo turns out to be and how Rounds gets his comeuppance). I recommend this film if you're just looking for a good time.
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