FleshEater (1988)
Where has this zombie flick been hiding?
24 August 2002
As you can probably tell by my nickname, I love horror films, zombie films in particular. I have pride in my knowledge of horror films, as I own close to a thousand of them and have seen many more. But I have to admit, I had never heard of this flick before yesterday. Browsing through a video store in another town, I came across it,scratching my head wondering how good could this be if I've never heard of it before. I was pleasantly surprised by this film. I think it was just as good as The Dead Next Door(a B grade zombie flick that gets a lot of attention as being an unknown classic). This is a fun film to watch if you don't expect too much from it. Don't expect great acting,top quality production, and whatever else most people think it takes to make a good film. But if your a fan of B grade horror movies, or on a quest to see and own every zombie movie ever made(such as myself), give this one a chance. I was surprised to see one of the zombies in this movie was Bill Hinzman, the cemetery zombie who chases after Barbara in the original Night Of The Living Dead. I guess you could say he is reprising his role, so to speak. I think he also directed and produced this film. I must admit, this film does seem to borrow a little from the original Night Of The Living Dead, but I don't care. This movie was fun and entertaining to watch and that's all I ask for. I was surprised at the amount of gore as well. The version I got was an uncut one entitled Revenge Of The Living Zombies. Once again, a pleasant surprise. Well, I have to go now and find a copy of this movie to buy somewhere! Later.
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