Review of Go Now

Go Now (1995 TV Movie)
An absolutely on the mark depiction of the struggle against MS
22 January 2000
"Go Now" is the story of Nick Cameron's (Robert Carlyle) struggle to cope with the debilitating affects of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). A very active person (amateur soccer player) who makes his living with his hands (architectural restorations (?- it wasn't *exactly* clear to me what they do)), it is a very difficult adjustment for him as he can do less and less and must depend upon others to do *for* him.

I am moved to submit a review because of the personal experience of my first wife who died from MS. Robert Carlyle's performance as someone with MS is so absolutely on the mark as to be frightening. Early symptoms, attempts to diagnose, the loss of function, the struggle with physical therapy, the anger and frustration of not being able to do the simple things that you once did without conscious thought but which now require concentration and tremendous effort. Another aspect that they covered well is the handicapped person's anger towards pity (or more often in his case, *perceived* pity). His was an absolutely standout performance.

They also handled fairly well the dilemma of the caregiver (Juliet Aubrey as Karen). Physically, they can go at any time. Emotionally, they MUST stay because they love the MS victim. In the movie, the fact that they weren't married made it an easier possibility for her to leave. Like the rich person who wonders if they are loved for their money or themselves, Robert Carlyle found it very hard to accept that she loved him for himself, and did not want to stay out of pity or a sense of obligation.

My only complaint about this movie is that the thick accents made it very difficult to understand too much of the dialogue.

Also, as another reviewer noted, a strong plus was the "real people" feeling about the rest of the cast. The movie felt as though a movie camera had captured real life, not people acting in a movie.

A stellar performance by Robert Carlyle. I have only seen him in "The Full Monty", but I will now try to find his other movies. I am now a big fan of Robert Carlyle. I like this guy a LOT.
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