23 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
*MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* This critique will be short, attempt to be creative and guaranteed painless, in other words, everything this reprehensible film was NOT. Keanu Reeves, having just hit the ground running from a hit (SPEED), crashes and burns in this turkey involving cyber information carriers in the far off future. Johnny takes on the beat-to-death cliche of a company man doing "one last job." He jets off to Beijing where the formula to cure a pandemic disease is downloaded into his brain. Without a doubt, the only active mind in this whole production.

International baddies, in the form of (who else?) a colossal Japanese conglomerate want the data at any cost. The cliches are too many to keep up with in this badly edited fiasco.

Reeves character goes strictly by the numbers formula. He starts out apathetic and self-serving. Gets a girl, and somehow a conscience. Feels bad and wants to sock it to the bad guys. (yawn). At least the special effects made up a little for the tedious acting. Reeves looks positively bored, and probably could have phoned this one in from the corner callbox.

Ice-T, who seems justifiably embarrassed to be in this, is wasted as an intelligent, street smart renegade. In JOHNNY MNEMONIC, he's relegated to playing the supportive, second banana. An interesting twist, and better casting choice, would've been to star Ice-T in this vehicle. Just a thought.

This two hour exercise in masochism finally concludes, when a quick thinking, telekinetic porpoise saves the day. Pay up your dues to Greenpeace, and consider yourself warned.
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