The True Third Installment in the Terminator Series
17 July 2004
I was presently surprised to find this on the IMDb, since the film is just a part of the overall experience - but I'm glad it's listed. Cameron shot the film section in 70mm, and in many ways it looks better than TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY. He's a perfectionist, and I think that's part of the reason why this is the best theme park attraction I've ever experienced, as well as a great short film. The 3-D aspect also has to be some of the best work done in that medium, and combining it with live stunt doubles onsite for the major characters is a stroke of genius. Even the dialog has sparkle.

After seeing this a couple of years ago in L.A., it was clear that whatever lose ends or questions might have been left from the second movie were tied up here, and TERMINATOR 3 was only a continuation of the franchise (like many sequels) - certainly not the story. T2:3-D does take some plot thread liberties, but it's all forgivable considering the end result. I especially liked the setup piece you watch as you're waiting to go into the main attraction. There's a bit of the old mother - son chemistry here between Hamilton and Furlong, which is just more good direction from Cameron. We could have been given this setup information without a film piece, like many rides. But again, having the real actors involved in all film aspects sells the idea and gets us into the concept and universe quickly.

I haven't bothered to see T3 and don't really plan to. This might be the only time a movie series story is not just continued, but completed, at a theme park attraction. BATTLE ACROSS TIME is the closure you're really looking for, from original TERMINATOR director / writer James Cameron and the T2 key crew.. And I think it's pretty much impossible to beat the new Terminator model we're given here. Just forget T3. When you're in LA or Florida, if you're a fan of the TERMINATOR at all, you owe it to yourself to check this out.
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