Dead Men Tell No Tales
16 February 2003
Dark Ocean is an overlooked little gem in the realm of SF low budget movies. It tells the story of a captain with a drinking problem (Malcolm `Clockwork Orange' McDowell) who gets a new ship. His employer, the world's largest producer of chemicals, has to get rid of certain forbidden substances, so they hired him and a crew of rogues to sail into the open sea near Africa – and sink the ship. The captain isn't too happy when he finds out about that – because he and the whole crew are supposed to stay on board (dead men tell no tales). `Dark Ocean' certainly is inspired by various dark SF movies about prisoner (space) ships. It starts like one of those typical thrillers (`I drink too much, because I failed on my last mission, my wife has left, the world is bad…'), but then it gets more and more original. McDowell's presence is enormous and helps to make the movie more memorable. At IMDB, they don't want me to give away the ending. In this case, it's very simple to obey the rule, because: I watched the ending, but didn't understand it. It's unexpected, weird and mystical – open to interpretation. Let me know when you found the meaning of it. Meanwhile, I vote 8/10.
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