Review of DNA

DNA (1996 Video)
Many rip-offs for the price of one...
18 October 2000
DNA rip-offs so many movies... First there is the beginning when you think this is going to be an Indiana Jones rip-off... Then you get the feeling that you are watching a rip-off of Jurassic Park, but near the end it becomes a total rip-off of Predator. The climax is pure rip-off... Actually, the whole movie is... Mark Dacascos brings his special "lack of special touch" to this movie, where he doesn't seem to get that he is playing a DOCTOR!!! And he also has to to take his shirt off because he seems to be really proud of his chest. He simply loves to take his shirt off since he does it in every movie he plays in. OK, Mark, I mean the doctor played by Mark, is really annoying but the worst character is Matzu, a kid which has everything required to make you hope he dies soon: an annoying voice and awful lines he delivers with no conviction whatsoever. The bad acting doesn't stop there. Jurgen Prochnow plays the bad guy. You know he is the bad guy from the start since he looks like a bad guy and sounds like a bad guy... Not very subtle since you are supposed to believe he is there to help Mark, I mean the doctor Mark plays(sorry, it's just that Dacascos seems to play the same character whether he is a soldier or a doctor). Also, the script is so bad, it's almost confusing. I am sure you know the kind of script where the writers make things confusing to make you believe there is actually a story behind all the killing... Did I mention the special effects? If I didn't, I should... Beware, this movie has the worst helicopter crash I have ever seen in a movie. I mean it is a must-see for any cheesy movie watcher just for that crash. It is so fake you will have to watch it twice to believe that in these days of CGI, someone could do a crash that bad... Simply unbelievable... As much as the acting and script of this huge 90 minutes rip-off... At least you get three rip-offs for the price of one...

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