10 June 1999
I Know What You Did Last Summer, in my opinion, wasn't that bad. Of course it didn't compare to Scream. The only problem is that with one successful horror movie, everyone tries to cash in on its success.In the late 70's we had Halloween (great movie with a story behind it - followed by endless unnecessary sequels) and in 1984 A Nightmare on Elm Street (also great movie and the same outcome as Halloween) all of a sudden horror movies were not popular.

When Scream was released horror was back and so too were a bombardment of movies from this genre. Since Scream ( and its sequel and hopefully the third instalment) IKWYDLS is probably the only other good horror movie out at the moment. Jennifer Love Hewitt and Ryan Phillipe are good in this movie but Sarah Michelle Gellar shines. Freddie Prinze Jr is also a very good actor but he didn't really have a whole lot to do in this movie except at the end so it was a shame to see him in a limited role - just like he was again in I Still Know which was an unnecessary sequel and I've heard rumors that next year I Know 3 will be released.

Even though IKWYDLS was good they should have ended it there because the second movie sorely missed Sarah, Ryan and Kevin Williamson.

If you haven't seen this movie I do recommend it but don't bother seeing the sequel because compared to some horror sequels (with the exception of Scream 2 and Halloween H20) it was just run of the mill stuff. With the I Know 3 movie coming out it seems that I Know series is turning into the Friday the 13th movies...
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