Review of Metroland

Metroland (1997)
A Look at Choices
8 October 2000
Metroland is about choices. Chris, a young London professional, has his slice of the good life; job, house in the suburbs, wife, daughter. At 30, Chris has settled into his life's routine. Then into his life returns Toni, a friend from his carefree youth, to entice him with the prospect of the vagabond's life of the road. Should he do it? Ditch his wife and kid and leave with Toni? While he ponders the question he reminisces about the time ten years ago, he spent in Paris, living in the cafes and romancing the ladies. Not exactly a unique storyline, but one that is set-up very well. Unfortunately that's all there is. There is no dramatic event around which Chris makes his momentous decision. Not that Metroland is a bad movie; it is not. But with better screenwriting, it could have had more dramatic punch.
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