John Barry Fans Will Delight in this Score
16 February 2002
I can say that I was not overly impressed with the plot, but if you are a John Barry (composer) film music fan, this will definitely be of interest to you. Very different from his JAMES BOND'ish-type action / adventure themes, it is deep with expression and thoughts, mostly of lows and sorrows. I am not a film music expert by any means, and cannot give you a critical analysis of Mr. Barry's works in all orchestral themes, but I did enjoy the central theme and "sorrow-lows" if that's what I can call it. Rachel Weisz lead female actor (she was the also Keanu Reeves' female lead in CHAIN REACTION) didn't do too bad of a job. But to me it was hard to find a beautiful person made up to look haggard. Guess that's what they're trying to do with make-up, etc. Vincent Perez to me was an unknown, but now that I know who he is (the lead male actor) I've noticed him in a few other films, too.

If you're expecting action, adventure, and secret twists in a plot, don't look here. But if you are a John Barry film music fan, then I'm sure you'll enjoy this one.
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