Review of Titanic

Titanic (1997)
16 August 2004
Painful is the word that comes to my mind when I think of Cameron's "Titanic". Why? Because such a budget, such magnificent special effects - so much of everything! - was shamelessly wasted on a fifth-rate plot that mocks the magnificent true stories of the "Titanic". It could have been THE film of the century; instead, it's a colossal monument to Hollywood's dementia.

Someone on this forum asked how could anyone hate this film. All those who have read the true accounts of what happened on the "Titanic" cannot BUT hate it. The sinking "Titanic" provided a stage for acts of incredible heroism (and cowardice); it became the catalyst and a showcase for all the highs and lows of human nature.

An example for those who absolutely need a love story: there were 9 newly wed couples aboard the ship; only four or five of the new husbands survived. Why not base the main story line on one or two of those true tragedies? Would they be perhaps too boring for Hollywood's target audience (whatever and wherever it is)...? I think not.

But even as a work of fiction (which it is), this film leaves a lot to be desired. In real life - even in 1912 - not all the "poor" are a priori merry and good-natured; and not all the "rich" are narrow-minded and snobby, as they are portrayed in this film. As far as the characters are concerned, this is very much a black & white movie. And the dead - the REAL dead - of the "Titanic" are merely a backdrop for the director's see-through shallow, unimaginative ego.

Shame on you, Cameron.
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