Review of XXL

XXL (1997)
Nothing you've seen before
1 March 2000
This one looks like a multi-stars, multi-budgeted rehash of Thomas Gilou's smash hit "La vérité si je mens", playing again on the manierism of the French Jewish community from the garment district. The first half-an-hour is so cliché-ridden it turns boring, then it catches some life, but gives too little, too late. The whole scenario feels like something taken out of a Seventies comedy reject, when French cinema rode on clichés and poor production value. Poorly marketed in France (nobody knew what it exactly was about.), this one went straight to video in other countries, and it has the feel of a so-so TV movie. Yes, even now, French cinema keeps on churning this kind of old-fashioned time-waster. too bad so many good actors got caught in the lurch.
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