12 August 2002
A lot was said about this film and its all true.

Although the above comments about about the ending are stupid. As there is no ending as the ending sets the story up for the next Film the 2 Towers, as in the book.

The scenery is superb, New Zealand is seems a beautiful place just as ireland is.

Its amazing to take the book and to do it justice on screen, which is what has been done.

Although if you like Action movies then this is not for you. As your only gonna moan about how long it is. But if you like Movies then its well worth the look. im now reading the nexk book the 'The 2 Towers' so as i can understand the film better when its realised in December.

I hope the DVD set in november will give more insight into the film than the August Version which documentries arnt too good. An extra 30 minutes will be very interesting as its already quite a long film but i will defenitely buy it.

This Film is beautiful and it can only get better. A Masterpiece of Film Making.
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