The greatest of books has become one of the greatest of movies
9 December 2002
I can hold long story short by referring to Phil Coopers article witch says it all. There's just one thing i would like to add.

In the original story (yeah i know, you can't really compare them but once again if you want my opinion about that you'll have to read Phill's article) the ring represents the powers of evil. And there is one particular scene where that becomes very clear: Elronds Counsel. I'm revering to the part where Gandalf tries to explain to the Counsel that the found ring is indeed the one Ring. He does so by mentioning the words witch appear on it once held in fire, even better: he speaks these words, in the original language, out loud. And the sky darkened, and the Elves held their hands to their ears as everybody present shivered in fear. Now that the evil is apparent the delegations unite, and the Fellowship is established.

This short scene would have added much to the understanding of the sudden urge of the group members and it would have made clear that the Ring itself is a real danger.

Do i think less of this movie because of this little difference of opinion? NO WAY!!! Go see it!!!
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