Chomping at the Bit for the Next "Indie" Pix? This'll Tide You Over
31 December 1998
Lucas/Spielberg/Ford say that a 4th Indiana Jones movie is on its way, before the stars (and directors) get too old to do it again.

Take your time, guys; your thunder's been stolen.

This iteration of the Zorro legend has it all--great chemistry, good acting, exciting chaces, and nail-biting swordplay. Yes, the plotting is a bit creaky and yes, the writing is shallow and yes, the resolution will surprise no-one. But I hope this launches a franchise ala the now-defunct "Batman" series or those from the chronicles of Dr. Jones and his intrepid crew.

Banderas is terrific, he of the smoldering glances, the daring actobatics, the hot temper, and the passionate romancing. His portrayal of the title character leaves its forebears (Guy Williams and Douglas Fairbanks Jr.) literally and figuratively in the dust.

And Anthony Hopkins adds just enough ballast to the proceedings to make it all believable. Quiet, reserved, pony-tailed, and internalizing his grief and anger, he's the Obi Wan to Banderas' Luke.

Catharine Za-Za-Zing Zeta-Jones is glorious. This damsel is quite able to get herself out of distress, thank you, and nary a hair will be out of place when she's finished, either.

"M of Z" has made my top ten for '98. Sure, it's a little threadbare, but it's also a lot of fun.
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