One of the best cartoons ever made
4 November 2000
This is one of the best cartoons ever made. Stereotypes are gone in this show. Gone, out the window! I mean, how often do you see a group who would normally be outcasts in a cartoon or television show? When I went to school learning Early Childhood, I was told cartoons that are best for young children contain certain elements. Some of these elements are showing different cultures working together; showing people with different abilities working together and doing different things that would normally be considered unable to be done; guys and girls doing the same job, with no difference between them, etc, and guess what? Extreme Ghostbusters conforms to this EXACTLY! Of course, it is a little violent, so I wouldn't let my three year old watch it. But I recommend Extreme Ghostbusters to ANY school age child, including all you teenagers out there (after all, I got hooked on it when I was seventeen). This show is what made me realize what I want to do with my life, animation, So ENJOY!!
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