Review of My Brother Jack

30 November 2002
I was truly impressed !! Marco Leonardi put in an extraordinary performance as Jack. The ending really moved me because of the tremendous impact this movie had on me. I kept thinking of the drama and had Jack's face in my mind. I can understand why the Naples Film Festival voted it the best movie. Just imagine watching it on the big screen! I am sure it captured the audience. This film contains such raw emotion. I can truly appreciate this film. It is about family. MY BROTHER JACK goes through this dilemma: the family is suffering because they love Jack. Mrs. Rose Casale is the focal point of the family, and if she suffers so do her children. It is difficult to kick somebody out if he is loved. Therefore, what the film analyzes is the turmoil the family goes through. We do not really know what Jack goes through. He states at various times "it's hard for me. You do not know what I go through everyday". He tells Sal "what have you given me? Money? How have you helped me?" This is his desperate cry for help. The film does not really expose completely what Jack encounters. In my opinion, the film studies the family's reaction and Jack's ultimate counter reaction (his final solution). He most probably felt that he did not receive full understanding, even though the family loved him. I am surprised that this film is not more well known and appreciated. This is a masterpiece.
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