TV Offal (1997–1998)
Sometimes Very Offensive But Sometimes Very Funny
27 February 2003
Victor Lewis Smith seems to have given birth to a few British comedy icons in the late 1990s , Chris Morris owes more than a nod to him as does the brilliant Ali G , but it should be remembered Smith did this type of comedy first . TV OFFAL features a prank telephone call to a " celeb " in every episode . Smith phoned up director Michael Winner with a premise about a Siamese twin committing a murder and being sentenced to death

Winner: Well it depends on how the screenplay is developed ?

Smith : yeah last thing I want is a two bit hack like you to f*** it up

Winner : I`m hanging up now

The best phone call was to Mary Whitehouse the infamous campaigner for television standards . Smith phoned her up with a soundtrack to a hardcore porn film in the background

Smith : I`m just phoning to let you know you`ve won a twenty thousand pound prize

Whitehouse ( Surprised ) Well I never

Smith : So you can keep it or give it to charity ( The soundtrack becomes more and more prominent as the actress involved moans and screeches for her co star to .... well you get the idea ) Keep it down Rhona . Sorry about that . That`s my wiife Rhona in the next room with her fitness instructor . Winston he`s called

Whitehouse : That`s nice

TV OFFAL also features " Home made " spoofs of shows . For those not in the know what happens - usually at Christmas - TV producers in the industry decide to have a bit of fun and make a risque edition of their show . These spin offs are just shown at the office party and are hardly ever seen by the public but TV OFFAL broadcast a spin off of childrens` classic RAINBOW with George , Bungle , Geoffery and Zippy wanting to play with Jane`s marracass` ( ! ) and we saw a spin off of gameshow BULLSEYE with presenter Jim Bowen as a gay leather boy ( !! ). Oh and there`s a weekly feature on the lives of a couple of gay Daleks ( !!!!!! ) . That`s the funny stuff but a lot of the show is rather objectionable and sick and just seems to be included to shock.

As a footnote I used to know a guy called Rob who edited a DOCTOR WHO fanzine and Victor Lewis Smith`s type of humour planted the seed of Rob phoning up the BBC to tell them he`d won the lottery and wanted to donate several million pounds to make some more DOCTOR WHO .....

Rob: But there`s conditions involved

BBC Girl : Yes

Rob : First of all I want an on screen executive producer credit

BBC Girl : yes

Rob : Secondly the monster involved must be a blizzard octopus

BBC Girl : What`s a blizzard octopus ?

Rob : They live in snow drifts but you don`t know they exist until they jump out and bite your face off

BBC Girl : Is this a joke or something ?

Rob ( Hanging up ) Yes

Mr Victor Lewis Smith , oh what genies you have released from your bottle
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