Another ignored classic
2 November 2003
One of the most frustrating things about Disney's stranglehold on the animation industry is that when a truly great animated film does come along, fans ignore it in droves. Such a case is The Iron Giant. Many people are blaming its poor showing on Warner Bros lack of advertising, which is ridiculous. I dislike the idea that unless we're inundated with Happy Meal tie-ins and action figures, the film is under-advertised. There certainly was adequate advertising for this film; it simply wasn't in titanic Disney proportions.

The Iron Giant is, no exaggeration, one of the best animated films of the last ten years. As a childhood fable, as a view of fifties foreign paranoia, as a statement on violence, it works perfectly. There isn't a single flawed scene from beginning to end. And it proves conclusively that animation can work without cute animal sidekicks or overwrought musical numbers; just a great story, brilliantly timed comedy, and some truly touching moments.

The combination of cel animation and computer imagery is seamless, with each technique used to its best effect. The voice-acting is top-notch, with Christopher MacDonald particularly good as the paranoid government agent. Having not read the book myself, I can't vouch for the film's adherence to the original story, but I highly recommend it to any lover of animation.

Incidentally, lest you think it's purely for children, I watched it with a group of men over thirty, and we all loved it. Let's hope this film gains the recognition on video it was denied in the theater. A solid 10.
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