Still the best Trek adventure game to date
11 May 2002
Yes, the graphics are dated now. Yes, you have to wrestle your computer into DOS to play it. But this adventure will suck you in.

The story is as rich as (in Insurrection's case, richer than) a TNG film, but much, much longer. Spectrum Holobyte used the medium of the game to tell an extended and detailed story, with nearly countless compelling characters and environments. The many-faceted interface and difficulty controls keeps gamers at any level engaged.

The entire cast of TNG was on board to provide voices, and they breathe life into their stone-faced animated characters. This is a gem from the golden age of PC adventures, and until a Trek adventure at the calibre of "Deus Ex" emerges, it will remain on top. If you're lucky enough to see a copy of it, pick it up without hesitation.
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