Ride with the Devil (I) (1999)
The most overlooked film of 1999
20 August 2000
While 'American Beauty' and 'Being John Malkovich' were lapping up seemingly all of the critical praise last fall, this beautiful film sadly slipped through the cracks. I did not read one favorable review when it was released, but after renting it on video, I solidly recommend it. Despite its first half, which is somewhat slow, this fillm builds strong characters to make the second half culminate in an artistic, moving, and thrilling movie experience. Director Ang Lee is a master at shot composition and nailing the overall tone of a film. He did it with "The Ice Storm" and he does it again here, however this film is a bit more rough around the edges than the pristine 'Ice Storm'. Tobey Maguire's portrayal of Jacob Roedell, the immigrant's son struggling with his sense of himself and those around him amid chaos, is beautiful to watch unfold.

Maguire's magnetism, emanating calmly throughout, binds this picture together. I'm not sure it would have been as great with another actor. All in all, moving and very memorable. Beware: dialogue is a bit hard to understand at first, so turn on your closed captioning as to not miss anything!
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