Review of Three

Three (1998–2000)
Three : Revisted
2 November 2003
The premise has THREE individuals (two men and a woman) hired for their respective field of expertise, to work together lest they find themselves on the other end of the law.

The recruits were: a high-end jewelry and art thief, a master of short con and martial arts and rounding the group, was a computer hacker on top of his game. They all answer to 'The Man'. The series was first aired three years ago; every Saturdays at 7pm(I think) but due to University obligations I missed watching most of it. Then it was re-aired this year every Mondays at 3am.:D, which I didn't mind.

Even though, these days, we (the viewers) have been wowed by movies incorporating hi-tech gadgets and hearing the techno-babble that went with it, watching THREE was still enjoyable for me. I liked the story lines exploring each of the characters backgrounds through their dialogue. This style made me want more information about them. Few shows have done that and I enjoyed watching a show if it gave the audience something to nibble on. LOL

Adding repartee in between for the characters provided enough comic that didn't hurt the stories whilst they go retrieve some item or just stop a group from obtaining power thus upsetting the status quo, which was their prime goal.

Seeing one of the recurring characters, Monty, in the series gave some expansion. I was really looking forward in seeing this character's interaction with the team but since the show was cut short; I guess it will be left in the minds of the audience.

Lastly, it was much better than THIEVES, which utilized the same premise with some difference such as: two thieves were recruited and this time cooperating with a government agency whether they like it or not. If they chose the latter option, they would find themselves sent straight to jail for their respective crimes.
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