Fifteen and Pregnant (1998 TV Movie)
Child becomes Mother
31 December 2002
In this movie a 15-year-old gets pregnant, and fears telling her parents. Although this girl is very young, she decides right off not to have an abortion or give her child up for adoption. She makes and adult decision when she decides as a mother that her child has a better chance with her than with some other family. This movie is a prime example of how teenagers will be teenagers, siblings will fight, and parents will be there until the very end. The main focus of this movie is young Tina who will soon give birth to a child. In the begining of this movie you will see how she is just a child, sand proves it in many ways. Throughout the movie you will see her grow out of immaturity in to a young woman before her child is born. All teens should have to watch this child struggle with the fact that she is going to have to be a mature woman and mother to the child on the way. There are the "religious view of others" that are strictly opinion about how this child is going to raise her baby. They are wrong. At the end of this movie it left you on a high on how her family accepted Tina and her baby. I feel that the reason they gave this impression is that the damage has been done why cause more damage to this young life who now has a child top raise? We all know what will be coming in the years ahead.
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