15 July 2001
I´ve realized that most people who have watched this film thought they were going to see some kind of biography of Versace and obviously they were disappointed because it isn´t.

As the title says clearly this is the story of "The Versace Murder"!. And this is what the film is about: the murder.

How the murderer manages to give the police the slip constantly, after killing his gay lovers, stealing cars, changing his look, checking in at hotels with a false name since there are posters with his photograph and description just everywhere. It´s a non-stop action film.

I really think that the character of Versace was just an excuse to sell this great drama/thriller/action film directed by Menahem Golan!.

By the way, Franco Nero´s performance as the Italian designer is just great... well Franco Nero is great in every film he appears anyway.

When I knew this film was directed by Golan I said to myself: "this can´t be bad!"... and I was right.

Menahem Golan and Franco Nero had already worked together in the great action film "Enter the ninja" some 20 years ago.

And you mustn´t forget that Golan produced some of the best action films in the 80,s, many of them starring Charles Bronson: "Death Wish 2, 3 & 4", "Murphy´s law", "Messenger of death", "Kinjite, forbidden subjects", etc.

Menahem Golan always delivers!.

"The Versace Murder" is a great film.

(9 out of 10)
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