Always brings a smile to my face!!!
26 October 2003
I've been a fan of BOTTOM and YOUNG ONES for years, since I was 11 to be exact (Im 20 now!!) and I hadnt seen nothing until I saw the BOTTOM LIVE videos!!!!

For this one, we go far far away from the lovely flat in Hammersmith and to a desert island where Rik and Ade are making the most of being stranded!!! This one tops both the first and second one.

The seagull- "Watch it circle, watch it loop de loop, watch it get the prop man sacked!!" cracks me up EVERYTIME. The Disney impersonations, the "bird" the "Nuclear Bombe" (s**t its all in French!!)- these guys pull it off gracefully and get through the mistakes and rik's constant giggling!!!!

We get the audience shouting "Have a w**k!!) but unlike the first two videos, the reply is brought on more gracefully. Watch out for the story on how Rik and Ade came to be on the island, like their rubbish magic trick tales, Rik's ecstasy dance........ it all brings a smile to my face

And people wonder why I'm insane!


H xxxxxx
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