An intelligent look at the book that couldn't possibly be filmed. . .
15 April 2000
The problem with Ellis's book was one with the public. People couldn't get past all of the violence and sex to see the underlying messages and themes of the book. American Psycho, the novel, was a satire on the decadent lifestyle of the 80's and its trappings. Of course the consequences were taken to extremes but its point was well made. American Psycho, the movie, is a well done adaptation of the novel with only a few shortcomings. Unlike the terrible movie, Less Than Zero, American Psycho stays true to the general fell and ideas of the novels. The sex and violence, while not completely removed, was not as explicit in the book. Bale is superb as Patrick Bateman, although the Bateman that I envisioned from reading the novel was quite different and I suppose that was the main flaw of the film for me. While reading the novel, Bateman was much more sinister to me, much more evil. In the movie, Bateman seems to understand that what he really wants is to be accepted and to be seen as the best. In the book, he was much more sure of himself. All in all, I thought the movie was really well done, however it will face the same problems as the novel. People won't be able to get past all of the violence and sex to see the underlying messages and themes of the film. American Psycho is not for everyone, but it is a fine film.
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