Review of Two Hands

Two Hands (1999)
Another Aussie Classic
11 January 2001
I feel that Australian movies are very underrated and not given enough credit by it's own audience. It seems that respect and/or interest has to be earned, which is apparent in the success of Working Dog's new film, The Dish.

Although, there are a handful of great Aussie films to come out of the 90's that even we Aussies love. Romper Stomper, Priscilla, Muriel's, The Castle, but to name a few are all classics; and now Two Hands has earned that title.

A very original movie, although the plot is nothing new, that uses black humour, shock tactics, romance and action to tell the plight of Jimmy, played by the excellent Heath Ledger. This is such an enjoyable film, and being an Aussie, I was so happy to be hearing our language and watching our scenery. The engaging script written (and directed) by Gregor Jordan is fast-paced and full of wit and humanity. It was wonderful to see Bryan Brown as a bad guy, and only an Aussie film could have a villain named Pando.

I highly recommend this film to Aussies who tend to bag Australian films. Maybe the reason they don't have the success and the hype of the UK and US films, is because we don't believe in the ability of our own film industry. Don't wait to hear how good an Aussie film is, just go see it.
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