So bad it's good
13 November 2001
"Night of the Ghouls" is one of those movies best viewed by a group of friends ala Mystery Science Theater because this movie is so bad it's good. If you're expecting to see a classic horror film, you will be sorely disappointed. If you are looking for a fun diversion, this is your flick. The opening monologue by Criswell is a perfect set-up for the guilty pleasure you are about to see. Edward Wood,Jr did not make his movies with a tongue-in-cheek attitude and the actors seem to be taking their work seriously, all of which gives the movie it's unintended comedic charm. One sidenote - John Carpenter (later of "Halloween" fame) gets to take his turn on the other side of the camera as Captain Robbins. The rest of the cast is basically Ed Wood regulars highlighted by the inimitable Tor Johnson as Lobo. The sets and props are as basic and wacky as you can get. All in all, this film is a true Ed Wood production and a must-see for devotees of "so bad it's good" films.
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