Review of Luminarias

Luminarias (1999)
Luminarias is an entertaining, engaging and enlightening film that everyone will enjoy.
2 March 2001
Luminarias is a wonderful film – bright, warm, funny and touching. Of course it has a distinctively Latino voice, flavor and rhythm. Yet it depicts such universal themes: the capacity to endure betrayal and regain trust, the loyalty between old friends, the constancy of family, the relationships between different generations, the attempt to release old pain, the struggle to learn how to value diversity yet validate one's own identity and the serendipity of finding love with the most unlikely people. The performances of the entire cast especially the four female leads are truly memorable. You come away feeling as if you've known these women all your life, seen their strengths and their weaknesses and love them as fiercely as they love each other. Cheech Marin is irreverent, irascible and offhandedly affecting as Andrea's older brother. Sal Lopez is a real delight as Sofia's fiancé. Both deferential and at the same time confident and self-possessed, it's easy to see why she falls for him.

Scott Bakula gives a lovely performance as the romantic lead. His Joseph Levinson is all tender, gentle charm, romantic yet respectful, a little tentative with a hint of loneliness perhaps sadness beneath the veneer of the savvy lawyer. In response to Andrea's pain, he portrays, as only he can, that exquisitely genuine empathy that seems to begin at soul depth then rise up into his eyes. When he meets Andrea's extended family at her Mama's birthday party, his slightly bewildered, self-effacing, totally unselfconscious amusement at his own expense, not to mention his marvelous sense of comedic timing are just perfect.

This thoroughly enjoyable film has much to tell us about our Latino neighbors, about our society and about ourselves. Both highly entertaining and very enlightening, it should not be missed and eminently deserves wide distribution in the home video market. I'll be first in line to purchase my copy!
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