Agnes Browne (1999)
A complete miss-hit!
1 May 2000
Maybe the second part of the movie was better than the first, but I wouldn't know cause I left during the break. Can I still write my review without having seen the total picture? I think I can. In this review I do describe a scene but it doesn't give away any crucial part of the plot. I experienced this movie as being a total miss-hit. The jokes were never funny, well maybe one but I can't really remember which one so it probably didn't make that much of an impression. In the beginning daddy dies and the whole family + extras follow the coffin to the burial-ground. On the coffin the word Daddy is written in flowers. It's really, REALLY hard to miss. What does the group do when they finally arrive at the gates of the cemetery, the coffin gets mixed up with one that doesn't have the big words DADDY on it and they all just follow the wrong coffin. And they end up at the wrong place. Hahahahahahah......Are they all dumb in Ireland or is it just this movie, I will guess the second. This was supposed to be funny but at the end it just came out completely stupid. During the whole(first have that is) I could never really care about the characters, and even scene's that were supposed to be emotional, one were Agnes was crying, it just seemed ridiculous. I guess it was supposed to be a dramatic piece, like so many Irish movies(only some kind of diet coke version, not like Angela's ashes) but at the break I just couldn't care less. I hate leaving during the break cause I always feel that I need to see the ending but this was just to stupid. So my advise is: never enter the cinema for this movie. See another....
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