Pipe Dream (2001)
A very witty comedy set with a backdrop of a movie set
13 June 2002
I saw this film last night at the Seattle International Film Festival, and was absolutely delighted at the wit and wry humour that this film possessed. Each of the characters is endearingly flawed - ("this person could be me") and adds a lovely human factor. I guess this film is only going to be limited in it's release initially, but seriously, if you have a chance to see it - it'll brighten your week. It's very off-the-cuff, not contrived a bit and NOTHING like your usual romantic comedy. . .The characters are actually bright and original. The screenwriter, Cynthia Kaplan, was at the screening that night, and it was very apparent that there will be much more to come from her. She has a book evidently too: "Why I'm like this". Sign me up!
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