How could anyone condone this Schlock??
1 July 2000
This movie was truly horrible. How anyone could compare this to the other 2 is beyond my scope of imagination. Farewell to the flesh was by FAR the best one of the series as it explained the story behind Candyman very thoroughly. This movie was mindless T&A and nothing more; Donna D. couldn't act her way out of a paper bag with her overacting and inability to wear a BRA!! There's one scene where she thinks her friend is being attacked and I had to laugh cause it sounded so bad (turns out the friend was just 'acting'). The plot was taken almost directly from the last 2 movies, different actors and loads of unnecessary boob shots (I don't think ANYone wore a bra in this movie) The scary and ominous voice of Tony Todd has been replaced with what sounds like a cheap effect discarded from Lion King. The only thing that I can credit this movie for is the gore, it lived up to its predecessors. There's also one scene during the festival when a cop is running after Donna, it seems reminiscent of another movie....oh yeah Double Jeapordy!! wow where do these people get their ideas, I sincerely hope this is the LAST Candyman movie cause they destroyed it with this one.
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