Oh my god, don't waste your time!
10 March 2001
What a horrible piece of "profanity". This movie is tolerable only as a comedy about how to make a bad movie. While there are some beautiful women in this movie, this fact alone does not make it worth the time investment to watch this badly acted, badly written over-wrought movie. Watch only a tape of this movie , so that you may fast forward through the horribly set up plot points that pay off in predictable and laughable ways. When things go wrong for a character that you see coming in the scene before, it is truly a gut buster, they could not be funnier if they tried. Back to the women in this movie, there are some attractive women in this movie, of the main three, there is one who is attractive in a plastic way, but that is as good as it gets, the next semi-attractive one spends the entire movie with some horrible gel-crap in her hair making her look like she's perpetually running late, and just ran a wet comb through her flattened greasy looking locks, is this a look anyone would want to look at for two hours ? Answer: No! The last of the main trio of women is short in stature with an unfortunate short hair cut, and really short on natural acting talent, maybe classes would help, certainly a better script would. Why comment on the looks and hair of the various women? Well, there is so little else of real substance in this movie that one finds other things to look at as a distraction. The truly sad thing about this movie is that it represents a whole lot of effort by a lot of well intentioned people, and that it purports to be about women talking about sex, real women have real thoughts, and they don't deliver them perfectly the first time they attempt to express them, or if they do, they are at least believably expressed.
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