Hot Babes run around getting laid
27 March 2001
I caught this movie on cable the other night. Its funny because I saw the cover for it in the video store and it has the three main actresses with skimpy halter tops painted onto their bodies. Nice try to get men to watch, but guys if you're looking for nudity, forget it.

Anyway, these three skirts all live together in a nice apartment in downtown New York. We got a black girl named "Jazz", (because the black characters in a movie all should have cool nicknames associated with music, that's how we know they're cool!), a jewess, and an italian chick. The italian girl is supposed to be the extra-spicy slut, but the jewish girl, played by Paget Brewster, is exceptionally hot. But then I have a thing for jewesses so go figure or who knew or whatever.

Anyway, Jazz wants to make a movie about girls talking about sex. We get the usual super-smart fem-banter, like "You go girl!","Men are dogs!" and "Why can't a man be faithful, damn girl!" Then her dumb friends somehow lose all her footage and she freaks out and cries a lot. I don't know why she was so upset, her movie sucked. Except the part where they get women to talk about walking around topless. That gave the filmmakers an excuse to do a dream sequence of girls sitting at a cafe topless, but since the girl I liked wasn't one of them I didn't give a red-hot damn.

Juicy sideplots like the italian girl being a big slut and the jewish girl doing stuff, (ironically I can't remember what her purpose was, even though she was my favorite - probably cuz everytime she was onscreen I was fantasizing about those big juicy lips of hers) all fail to distract from the fact that this is just one big fat tease. If I were one of these actresses, I would've demanded that I have a nude scene. These up and comers think they will go anywhere with trite crap like this, they're fooling themselves.

C'mon, you ain't big till you show it girls. This "suggested sexuality" doesn't fly with the people with most of the money, i.e. the ticket buying public, i.e. men. Yeah baby, the blood is racing to my imagination already. Let me recite a short but sweet list: Meg Ryan, Nicole Kidman, Demi Moore, Julianne Moore, Mena Suvari, Kim Basinger, even Meryl Streep. What do they all have in common? They all got naked at one point in their careers. Get with the program ladies.

Oh yeah, so back to the movie. Jazz forgets all about her dumb-ass movie once the man in her life comes back to her, which is a great message to send to women looking for an inspiration to be independent. This big black stud comes along and just whips her right back into girlfriend shape in no time, good work my friend, good work. That's sort of unintentionally funny, I guess. Another highlight is when the jewish girl cries about something, she looks really hot for some reason. It reminded me of when I was 5 and I was reading Archie comics and got turned on for the first time ever because Archie was pulling Veronica's hair and she was crying. Of course I didn't know why it turned me on, and I still don't know why this one did either.

Worth a look for laughs, and to see how women who don't exist and will never date you interact with each other. 1 and a half stars out of 4.
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