Saturday morning fun
13 July 2000
Down and out on a Friday night, I took refuge at a friend of mines house. Before long Brittany on MTV grew dull and we popped on the Batman/Superman Animated movie. At first a little edgy, thinking haven't they dragged them both though the mud enough, where does the marketing end. But With in seconds of the opening credits, I was glued to the screen, transfixed at what I was seeing there. A very classy, if somewhat gaudy representation of the two characters I grew up with. Batman and Superman, at first not willing to work together to stop The Murderous Joker and Side Kick Harleyquin on a vendetta to kill Superman, love those plot devices, but latter using their own unique style of vigilante justice in unison to bring the evildoers in. I really should write comics.

Animation wise it's a step above the usual Saturday morning cartoons of the respective heroes however its still at least a flight bellow your usual Disney feature film. I guess when you are paying the lowest bidding animation studio to slap this stuff together you cant be too picky. Produced by long time Batman writer Paul Dini. The man who is 90% responsible for bring the fantastic Batman animated series to us over the last 4 years, he really went and out did him self here. The dialogue is both witty and fresh with out being overly corny. Written with just enough innuendo and savvy to keep the older viewers smirking. When Bruce Wayne (Batman's alter ego) is seen to be making moves on Superman's main squeeze Lois, Clark remarks, `Of course you have been dividing your time between work and Lois.' Bruce replies with genuine arrogant charm `Is that a problem?' With Deadpan seriousness Clark retorts, `Let's just say I'm concerned. Your reputation is... dubious. In and out of costume.' I dare you to find better dialogue any where on Saturday morning television. The film flows with some modest attempts to flesh out the human sides of the characters but by this point in the evening we are too busy wondering how Lex Luthor's driver/body guard is to be taken seriously in that skirt. This straight to video release is basically the 3-episode arc that marks the pilot from the TV series of the same name. Compared to the last two big screen efforts, this really sets the standard for Batman films, Joel Schumacher should be forced to watch, pen and paper in hand and take notes, gaudy okay nipples bad.

Besides some enjoyable action sequences the fun comes in picking the actors who voice the main characters. Mark Hamil, yes Luke Skywalker himself, pulls of a Nicholson-esque joker while Timothy Daly of `Wings' fame does the Man of Steel. What's the bet that Tim uses that fact in pickup lines in bars? Kevin Conroy does Batman. That man must eat cigarettes for breakfast. On whole very enjoyable and fans should watch to see the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight actually done semi well. Though you might get some funny looks from the Video store clerk when you bring this to the counter. Tell him its for your nephew.
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