One of the greatest animated films ever.
19 July 2001
Before the review, a brief plot summary: The Joker and Harley Quinn, who have recently been down on their cash, steal a strange "green jade" statue from an antique shop called the Laughing Dragon. The dragon is famous because all of it's previous owners have died unexplained deaths. Batman is put on the case, and when he expiriments on a sample from the statue, he learns it is giving off low-level radiation. Bruce Wayne, his billionaire alter-ego, is working on a buisness project in Metropolis with another famous billionaire, Lex Luthor. Clark Kent and Lois Lane are among the first reporters to greet Wayne as he arrives, and immediatly Lane and Wayne become attracted to each other. Meanwhile, Joker has met up with Luthor and shown him the statue which is made of kryptonite, and seals a deal- a billion dollars and he'll kill Superman.

Well, here is an interesting crossover! Of two Warner Brothers cartoons, based on DC comics, Marvel's top competition. This feautures all the original voices from the cartoons, like Tim Daly (currently seen on "The Fugitive") as Superman, Kevin Conroy (currently playing... Batman, as you can see if you'll click on his bio) as Batman, Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor, Dana Delany as Lois Lane, and Mark Hamill (explination needed?) as the Joker.

Let me start this paragraph off by saying that both heroes have suffered a lot of crap recently (ie "Batman Forever" and "Batman and Robin"; "Superman III" and "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace"). Batman has been getting quite some publicity, what with the films "Mask of the Phantsm" and "Sub Zero". Obviously, Kevin Conroy is THE animated caped crusader, and it's nice to see him again.

But, enough with such ramblings. The plot is EXCELLENT and interesting to see how it could work out. As I have just said, it's great to hear all the original voices, together and interacting. The chemistry is great! The conflict between Bat and Super is brilliantly done, and as the plot progresses it gets more and more interesting. Also, the chemistry between the villians is appealing, and with Bruce and Lois... well it's lots of fun.

The scenes are fast-paced and exciting, and the climax is amazing. The Joker's "death" is a great company to his other demise in the film "Batman" with Jack Nicholson. The suspense glues you to it, and the technology is fun. Batman fans will applaud the film, sticking to the original idea and character (a nod goes to Bruce telling Lex "I don't like guns"). It's too bad we don't see Bruce getting emotional about falling in love like in "Mask of the Phantsm".

The special effects and all probably won't break any grounds, and the film will probably be remembered only as a noticeable TV movie from 1998, but I still strongly recommend it. My, we can only imagine what it would be like live action, with Christopher Reeve, Michael Keaton, Gene Hackman, Jack Nicholson, Margot Kidder etc. Ah well, we can still dream... (smile).
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