Suprisingly good B-Movie actioner!
8 March 2004
Before I saw this movie last night I have to admit I had never heard of it before, so I thought it would be like one of those awful Nu Image action productions. I was pleasently suprised at how good it acually is - Yes I know it streches credibility at times as do most films of this type and the story is really padded out to make it's 90 minutes, but even so it's not that BAD. The movie has 'Stars' Such as Peter Weller who has made a living out of B-Movies after Robocop 1 & 2. Daryl Hannah (Splash) who never became the star she should have been also stars, and Tom Berenger who's always in these kind of movies also appears.

The acting is much better than the movie probably deserves

It's not the best movie ever made neither is it the worst just sit back leave your brain at the door and enjoy

My Vote 7/10
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