Dollar for the Dead (1998 TV Movie)
I can't believe there are people that liked this film.
7 July 2003
Ugggg. What happened to E. Esteves? This film was so bad, it bad me laugh.

Did anyone else nearly pee themselves laughing when Howie Long asks

someone if the Stranger (Esteves) had 'Hard Eyes?' A lot of comments for this film go on and on about the action.... I fail to see how it can even be considered as anything but a spoof. Believability is shot to hell, when I am reduced to counting how many shots the guy has in his 6-shooter... hint: it should only be 6! At one point he fires off over 8 from one pistol. As far as emulating John Woo, it nearly does, because his actions scenes are nearly as bad as these,... only there weren't and slow-motion shots with doves in this one.

Rent this movie only if you havn't gotten a big enough laugh at Howie Long's film career.
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