Review of 15 Minutes

15 Minutes (2001)
Disturbing look at the cult of celebrity
31 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Spoilers follow:- In the days of "reality" TV this movie is most topical. People don't require talent to be (in)famous, all they need do is murder a celebrity as happens here. That a TV show is willing to pay murderers for their story is even more disturbing - this is a short step from reality today. Indeed, this has happened in Australia already eg. with convicted murderer Mark "Chopper" Read and various other lesser criminals - the so-called "chequebook journalism". In this movie De Niro is the victim as opposed to his roles in "Taxi Driver" and "King of Comedy". The movies only weakness is its ending that leaves the viewer with a feeling of satisfaction that the murderers get their "just desserts". In reality it is just as conceivable that the murderers would escape the murder rap and get paid for their story. Nevertheless a good topical story that stirs emotions 7/10.
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