These guys are trying way too hard . . .
19 June 2000
The script for Me, Myself, and Irene was written well before There's Something About Mary and like Kevin Smith's Dogma, the fact that this is old material is painfully obvious. In Mary, the jokes and sight gags made you laugh in spite of yourself. In Irene, the jokes just made me stare in disbelief. All of the jokes were placed for shock value only and did nothing to enhance or compliment the main storyline. Even the bits that could have worked, such as Carrey's three sons and the albino kid, were funny at the first of the film but grew tedious by the end. The Farrely brothers have fallen so far as to insert outrageously obscene curse words into the dialogue to generate laughs. Instead all they do is generate boredom and waste an inspired performance from Jim Carrey.
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